July has been a hell of a month. My brother Jonas turned 25, yikes, and MY SISTERS HAVING A BABY IN NEW YORK!!! I'm so excited for her. She's having a girl any day now and is naming her Cici. So please, if your reading this right now, close your eyes right quick and send some positive vibes to my sister ABI STAR STEWART in NEWYORK CITY for her new journey into motherhood. Thank you kindly.
Sooooo another thing that happened in July was that I got back into Instagram. I downloaded it months ago, took 4 photos, and was over it. I felt like I didn't need another thing to update. I was busy enough as it is. Hanyways I just recently opened up the app to see I had 121 followers. HOLY SHIT!!! I was quite surprised. And hyped. So now I'm goin hard in the instapaint. My Insta-name is "Stillaquarterfull" if you wanna peek inside of my life.
Any Poli-Sci students wanna give it a shot?
What if I put a US flag on the shell and gave him dogtags? Oooo now were gettin somewhere...
Anyways, I thought it'd be cool to make this a 3 board piece that I could dot up, so I started. Here's the middle of the triptych.
Here's me 360 flippin over a rail on it at the Jefferson skatpark grand opening. Super fun. I won some shoes that day. And saw a backflip preformed by Andy Hopgood over the spine. It was sick.
I started working on the 2nd deck, and will probably be finished with the whole piece by my next blog post. Kinda see what I'm after? Tilt your head 45 degrees to the left that might help.
Last and certainly not least, I have my current board. This is what I'm currently lookin down at.
I made this on the way to RedBull Rivals in battleground Wa last Saturday on a new deck Steve G gave me that I desperately needed. Thought that dottin a bull would be the most appropriate. The contest was SOOOOO SICK. It was Washington vs. Oregon to raise some doah for Marginal or Burnside. Washington won so Marginal Way got the money. I can't wait to see the edit. I ate shit a few times real real hard and I wanna see if they were bad enough slams to make the edit.
More photos that this ^ bald dood
took coming soon...
I made this flyer...Just so ya know haha.
The dude doin the benihanna is Blake Bartelli and actually ended up winning his division!!!
Well deserved. He's a Muk Local and Killllllls it. A lot of people showed up and had a wonderful time. There was free hotdogs and corn on the cob thanks to psycho mike. I was there just to help out and judge the contest, but I ended up skatin around for a bit too. It was a really great time! One of the skatedads named Zach shot some amazing photos check em out!!!
Even though the redbull rivals comp had me beat up, sore, and sunburn, I mustered enough energy to throw a front tailside on this quarterpipe for Zach to snap a flick. If you look closely at my board you can see the bull I dotted the day before. Zack if you ever read this thanks again for shootin so well. You definitely know whatchurdoin. uberdope.
ALSO in the skateboarding realm, I finally put together a little edit with some clips my buddy paul shot in an abandoned bank last fall. SO FUN.
Yes this was in an actual bank. Yes it has pool coping. Yes it was one of the most fun ramps evereverever.
Took me forever to edit. I did it to Prefuse 73 so it was beggin for glitches. Now that was a learning experience.
Last and certainly not least, I made a new jam. This last one was hella hard to finish cause I needed it to be just as good or better than the last one I put out. Soooo it took some time but here it is:
Weeeeelp, that's about it for now. There's much more on the horizon that I can't wait to share, but untill then, thanks for tuning in, and have a wonderful day!!!!